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Tuesday, 30 June 2020 17:04

The genuine article

Producing the best possible local product and carrying the genuine ‘Australian Made’ certification – ATE have recently worked with Kel Campbell in the design and manufacture of this 45kl unit below.  

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Thursday, 18 June 2020 16:01


Another example of our product range has rolled out of ATE's plant today. Our 15,000L Aluminium Vacuum tank with High Pressure Wash Down and Liquid Ring Pump.


Friday, 05 June 2020 15:31

A Long Weekend Special

Our Stainless Steel Food Grade, DG Approved A-Double Configuration has been proudly delivered. Another Australian Made product. Stay safe for those who are enjoying the long weekend.

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ATE’s recent delivery to our client; an independent, family owned fuel distributor who shares our Australian values.

Supporting communities, supporting local businesses, supporting Australia.


Friday, 24 April 2020 15:12


Uniting with ATE and helping to fast-track Australia’s resurgence from the impact of COVID-19.

Making Australia Stronger.

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Wednesday, 01 April 2020 17:12

Keeping Australia Strong

We will continue to provide tanker solutions and services to our key market segments as the Covid-19 situation develops.

We increasingly see opportunity to revitalise local Australian manufacturing, spreading risk and building resilience into domestic supply chains.



Thursday, 19 March 2020 16:25

Australian Made, and also made for overseas

Supplying Australian Made products to our international clients –  due for arrival at their destination next week.

At ATE, we utilise design, engineering, equipment, processes & technology, all under one roof.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020 15:03

Our delivery is just the beginning

For each ATE unit delivered, not only are our clients involved each step of the way, we ensure that every base is covered. For example, for delivery of this Rigid which incorporates PreciPure Pumping System we had one of experienced Rigid Tanker experts visit the clients site and conduct a day of thorough training as part of our After Sales Service.

For not only do our client’s receive the best units in the market, we ensure each client can maximise the efficiency and value from their product.

In case you missed it, the Australian Made Campaign spotlighted ATE within both The Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers on Australia Day in recognition of ATE engineering and manufacturing the only tankers in the world accredited with the famous 'Australian Made' symbol.

A great reminder that supporting Australian products and industry benefits our society and economy nationwide. 

Age SMH Close up Article

Age Scan 2 Page

Friday, 24 January 2020 16:27

25m B-Double
